Friday, August 9, 2019

Book Review: Run to You by Lara Adrian

This was my first non-PR book by Lara Adrian. I obviously expected it to be well written and it was. I definitely loved the story and its characters, and there isn't really a thing to complain about. The storyline was well thought through, though rather standard in the bodyguard genre but I still liked it a lot and highly recommend it to those who love broken characters and a badass military hero saving the girl of his dreams.
'With this woman, I know I won't be content with anything less than all of her.'
I liked that both H and h had strengths and weaknesses and how they complemented each other so well. Eve was a model before her world collapsed and she found herself at her lowest. Now she’s a lot stronger, an independent woman owning her own business.
'Every inch of her is perfection. I'm scar-riddled and disfigured.'
Gabe was in a predicament because he worked not only for his friends Baine and Beck, but one of them was also the brother of Eveline who made it hard for Gabe to think of anything else since he met her. When he recognized the danger Eve was in, her brother hired Gabe to protect her without her knowledge. You can imagine the whirlwind of emotions going on then.
'It's not anything I've been looking for, but I know at least enough to recognize something special when it's right in front of me.'
Everything surrounding Gabe and Eve, with their growing feelings, their work, family problems and demons over their heads, this all had me captured and made it hard for me to put the book down.
I really liked that, although it was a love story about the main characters, there was a lot of depth surrounding their individual characters and their lives as well. This made the story so fantastic in my opinion because it gave it a realistic feel and easier for me to connect with.
'I can see how tightly reined he manages his control, but he is on the verge of losing it.'
Even though this is a genre and topic I've read many stories of, I really enjoyed this book a lot and hope there will be more books about the secondary characters from this story. While I figured out who the stalker was early on, it was still captivatingly written and suspenseful, and not to forget the hot scenes and quite emotional, raw and heartfelt moments. Definitely one of the best in this genre.
'Both of us still trying to claw our way into the light, onto safe and solid ground.'

My rating: 4.5 of 5 Stars

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