Saturday, October 29, 2016

Book Review: For the Love of English by A.M. Hargrove

I love A.M. Hargrove’s books. I've read a few of hers already and after I’ve read the blurb of this one I knew I had to get my hands on it. And let me tell you, I did not get disappointed.

The Story:
Sheridan is English's teacher and when she gets to know her student’s dad, she can't believe what an absolute jackass he is to her while he’s so lovely to his daughter. Beckley Bridges raised his daughter English alone with the help from his parents since she got dropped in front of his doorstep while she was still a baby, left there in a little box with only a note from her birth mother. English is Becks whole life and he is devastated when he learns that her mother suddenly wants to be a part in her life again. This wouldn't be so bad when she had good intentions but something about this woman just rubs him the wrong way. Beck would do anything to keep his daughter safe and when he drops a question at Sheridan about something every woman wants to hear from the man they love the most, she can't believe her ears because this guy was anything but a jerk to her in the past. Why would she even consider what he asks?

I really enjoyed this story a lot even though it could have been a bit shortened - just by a chapter or two. It still had a good reading flow and I devoured it in almost one go. I would absolutely love to read about the characters’ lives again in one of this author’s next books.

I liked the characters though the sudden mention of marriage did not seem to be a big problem to neither Beck nor Sheridan, which bothered me a bit. I really liked that Beck wasn't an easy guy in the beginning though he changed rather quickly in a short time. I mean, they didn't even knew each other that well and I thought it was strange for him to just spit it out like that and although she was not head over heels at first it still seemed to me like it wasn't too much of a problem in the end for her. I personally think it's a huge deal and I wish there was a bit more going on here. I also found it rather strange that Beck had no other female friends or even female company in the last few years in his life that he could have considered asking.

It was refreshing that not everything was easy in this story but I found that the marriage thing happened too quickly and that the characters fell really fast for each other – even though a few weeks passed but we didn't really get to enjoy the small gestures that had them warm up to each other, especially because she didn't like him in the beginning due to his rudeness. Even though he was good looking I didn't like that they had the hots for each other so soon. I would have hoped for some more hate or resent while going into the marriage and not instantly getting it on. Especially because it felt so weird for me that they kissed and had sex but never talked about anything this marriage would bring with it, they just jumped into it without thinking it through and I wish there was more awkwardness before they were intimate. I didn’t really care for English and I never understood how she could call Sheridan Mommy right away.
But enough of my ramblings, I still enjoyed the story a lot.

-- I received an ARC of this book from the author through the New Adult Book Club on Goodreads in exchange for an honest review. --

My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

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