Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Book Review: With Ties that Bind #2 by Trisha Wolfe

Wow, this one was brutal. It was suspenseful through and through and had me on the edge of my seat until the last page. There was also so much cruelty and violence that made me shiver. I loved it! This was absolutely my kind of read!

Not everything was as black and white as Quinn wanted it to be. He was tested thoroughly because he lost more than he could have imagined in his orderly life and Avery was drifting farther into dangerous territory. Quinn wanted to protect her but his hands were tied with so much being stripped from him. He lost control in more than just one sense of the word and Avery was slipping through his fingers.
This would have the strongest and toughest put through the wringer. Now you can imagine how Quinn struggled between accepting the grey parts in life and turning against the people he cared about.
‘It’s the most intoxicating feeling, witnessing Quinn - who’s always in control – lose every bit of his.’
This one was my favorite so far. Edge gripping tension, unpredictable villains, unforeseeable actions, secrets, guilty consciences, lies, betrayals.
The worst of the worst, a monster so evil and deceitful, someone who had everyone play his game unknowingly. Manipulation, violence, cleverness, furtiveness. He strategically placed his marionettes to his wishes and got rid of every obstacle in his way. It was a delight to get glimpses inside the villain’s brain with his POVs. I liked those a lot more than in Sadie’s story.

I just wasn’t a fan of the suddenly deep feelings being confessed, which came out of nowhere for me since I was still at the forbidden/desire stage. There also wasn’t much between H and h yet to manifest something so deep but well, the main thing was the crime and suspense and everything else was just a bonus.

As always, it’s a pity that the books are so short. I just wish they were made into one book instead of split into three but luckily the next one already awaits me on my kindle.

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

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