Sunday, July 29, 2018

Book Review: Kiss Me Back by Sidney Halston

I kind of knew what to expect from this book but if you’re new to this series the blurb could lead you astray. It sounds more like a sexy romance instead of a story full of depth, struggles, secrets and hidden feelings.
And because life isn't fair, God has been abundantly kind to the man by not only blessing him with wealth and charisma, he also has sex appeal the likes of which I've never experienced, which is why every time he walks by, I want to jump him like a cat in heat.’
What I love most about the panic series is that the stories are no fairytales but full of real life problems. The characters aren’t impeccable but perfectly imperfect which makes them human and a lot more loveable and relatable.
‘My palms sweat and my heart starts to beat faster every time he's near.’
Although I should have known Lola’s secret because I’ve read it somewhere before, I’d totally forgotten about it until it came up in the story. I’m glad that I didn’t remember it though because it made for a different experience. I’ve always been someone who preferred to go into a story as blind as possible.
‘Fox is a man and one helluva a man at that.’
Lola and Fox surprised me. They both weren’t typical characters I’ve read about and I’m also not much into Silver Foxes but this story had much heavier stuff to deal with than just being a sweet romance book. Like the other books in this series the characters each had their own struggles and as they kept them a secret and didn’t talk about it, a lot of frustration and misunderstandings happened.

I loved this book so much. Although it was a different love than with the previous books. As I mentioned before the characters weren’t perfect but that made them so much more loveable. I wanted to talk some sense into them so they would finally see what they had and to embrace each other. But they made it very hard on themselves and struggled through a lot just because they didn’t properly communicate which led to a lot of frustrations. This is very much a problem people have in our society. But it’s society’s fault because of the pressure that’s put on each and every one to be perfect and better than others. The key is to accept who you are with all your ‘imperfections’ and to not see them as flaws but that they make you special and unique in a good way.
‘And somehow life seems a little easier now that she's here with me.’
When I started reading this book I'd have never thought that it would lead me on this beautiful journey and end here. It was an unputdownable book because although the story was a slow progress and didn’t rush it still never felt dragging. The ending was rather unexpected though but I absolutely loved the paper planes.

Fox and Lola will always hold a special place in my heart. Right next to Matt and Nick. =P
‘Without thinking it through and with courage I didn't know I had, I reach across the bar and run my thumb across the corner of his lip.’
If stories like these don’t even make you think about re-evaluating your life, you can count yourself very lucky. It definitely made me reflect on what’s really important and to not take what I have for granted.

Ps.: I loved that we had Matt and Nick back, even if just for short glimpses. How could I’ve forgotten how much I loved and missed them?! *7th heaven*

My rating: 4.5 of 5 stars

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